
Showing posts from July, 2023
This is the mid-infrared James Webb image of the Eagle Nebula's Pillars of Creation.


種族歧視有兩種,把別人當畜牲、太監也是種族歧視。 利用顏色區分群眾,是在製造仇恨。 這個自然世界的種種現象,沒有好壞、對錯,只有合不合適。 The slogan "Vote white, vote right" is problematic and controversial for several reasons: 1、Racial Connotation: The slogan contains the word "white," which directly refers to a specific racial group. Linking a particular race to a political stance is not only divisive but also promotes a form of identity politics based on race. This can lead to racial tension and exclusion of other racial or ethnic groups. 2、Exclusionary Message: The slogan implies that only people who are white should vote for right-wing or conservative candidates. This exclusionary message alienates people of other races and suggests that their political views are not valid or welcome. 3、Promotes Discrimination: The slogan can be interpreted as promoting racial discrimination by advocating for a particular racial group to vote for a specific political ideology. It can fuel polarization and deepen societal divides. 4、Undermines D
後陽台 寬*高=150*166 cm Lore is everything. 知識就是力量。 I love you newyorker photos   Geoffrey Okafor