



The slogan "Vote white, vote right" is problematic and controversial for several reasons:
  1. 1、Racial Connotation: The slogan contains the word "white," which directly refers to a specific racial group. Linking a particular race to a political stance is not only divisive but also promotes a form of identity politics based on race. This can lead to racial tension and exclusion of other racial or ethnic groups.

  2. 2、Exclusionary Message: The slogan implies that only people who are white should vote for right-wing or conservative candidates. This exclusionary message alienates people of other races and suggests that their political views are not valid or welcome.

  3. 3、Promotes Discrimination: The slogan can be interpreted as promoting racial discrimination by advocating for a particular racial group to vote for a specific political ideology. It can fuel polarization and deepen societal divides.

  4. 4、Undermines Democratic Principles: Democracies thrive on inclusive participation and the freedom for citizens to vote based on their beliefs, not their race. The slogan undermines the democratic principle of equal representation and equal participation.

  5. 5、Negative Perception: The slogan can be perceived as racially biased or even racist, which can damage the reputation of any political movement or party associated with it.

    It is essential to promote inclusive and respectful messages in the political sphere to foster unity and understanding among diverse communities. Political slogans should encourage engagement, open dialogue, and respect for differing viewpoints, irrespective of race or ethnicity.



  Carl Sagan 說 We are all star stuff. 編輯頁   課程草稿 7/8/23  宇宙大霹靂後,隨著宇宙的降溫,一部分輻射物質(以光速前進的能量稱為輻射物質)開始獲得質量,主要是形成電子與夸克等物質,隨後形成數量比約為 12:1 的化學元素氫與氦。...

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