
Cetaphil Moisturizing Cream doesn’t come with an expiry date. Like many other Cetaphil products, it is formulated to be shelf-stable, which means that it can last for years provided it is not exposed to extreme temperatures. However, once opened, it’s best to use it within two years. By using it within this time, you make sure that all ingredients will be of optimal effectiveness and safety.



  Carl Sagan 說 We are all star stuff. 編輯頁   課程草稿 7/8/23  宇宙大霹靂後,隨著宇宙的降溫,一部分輻射物質(以光速前進的能量稱為輻射物質)開始獲得質量,主要是形成電子與夸克等物質,隨後形成數量比約為 12:1 的化學元素氫與氦。...

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